Dec 21, 2009 19:32
[Filtered away from Dionysus, Achilles, Zeus, and Clytemenstra--his more notable enemies--but not individuals such as Theseus, Briseis, Patroclus, Nemesis, etc. as he views these as less trouble, I suppose. For once Agamemnon is not in the mood for causing great ruckus, but he's never been one to filter much]
Unfortunate, uncontrollable behavior aside, I am understandably not at all happy due to the past few days. The curse laid upon me was bad enough as is (let me take a moment to apologize for anything offensive Cronus did in this time). I am even more disappointed by a lack of loyalty. I presumed that the people I chose to surround myself with (chose, Theseus) were trustworthy--naturally so. That despite my actions--however inappropriate or unusual--my family could stay by longer than a few minutes. It should have been a given, rosebud. Clearly this setting has affected all of us, and rendered me sadly mistaken.
That being said--however vaguely, I understand, I prefer to keep it brief though--does anyone want to go somewhere? Not with me, mind you. But I'll pay for your ticket, or whatever it is you want. I've not have much an opportunity thus far to extend this sort of holiday spirit.