
Mar 28, 2011 09:24

[Have a slightly nervous eightish year old Sveta. Her blonde hair is in two tightly braided pigtails and there's a red scarf around her neck. She's smiling, but...only because she doesn't want to get in trouble. When she speaks, it's with a very thick Russian accent.]

Hello! I...think I'm lost. [Not taken. Certainly not taken....She hadn't done anything wrong.] I don't know where I am and....I really don't want to be late to school.

There are others who were...lost...yes?

[She drops the communicator and it falls, revealing SOMETHING WITH EYES under the bed. She hops down and then, seeing it, yelps and jumps back on the bed.]

There are monsters here!

boris the alligator, boris loves sveta more, all kinds of headaches, help!, don't want to be a bother..., flood!babysitting, don't panic!

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