On friday night Mattie and Mario picked me up from working the show and we made the most delicious pizza I've ever eaten. Mario made us toss the dough and I dropped it on the counter and Mattie dropped it on herself, and basically I love them both.
Our humanities mural is so behind schedule, it's not even funny. And I have a 20 hour final piece for painting that I haven't touched yet. My grade in humanities is dying because I keep sucking at the tests, and I went to all my classes just wednesday last week because I was doing so much. And I'll be missing wednesday next week for Stratford and part of friday for my hair appointment. I feel like I'll never have enough time to finish.
Doing the show I've been talking to Drew a lot. He's a fun kid. Basically I've come to realize that it's pretty hard for me to dislike people when put under the right circumstances. However, the woman on the stage left headset has the most annoying cache of phrases ever: "little one" and "little girl" referring to anyone from 3 to 18, "poke out" for when dancers are supposed to pose on stage before the music starts, and referring to anything and everything as "Paul's favorite _____" because she's obviously one of those people who likes to be overly familiar with people.
They also dance to this song:
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