Mother in law rage

Mar 24, 2008 22:08

This last weekend has been hell for me. The capping stone of which was tonight when Brandi implied that I was acting as lazy as her parents were saying I was. I personally resent the implication that I am even remotely lazy. I am a very hard working person and have over the last two and a half months, between my job and working on a house I own but can't live in yet, put in somewhere around 80 hours a week. I thoroughly infuriated that this could even be considered of me. But this is just the icing on the cake. It started last week when Brandi's Aunt and her family visited our new home and later commented to Brandi's mom that my dandruff was particularly bad. For those of you who are not aware, I have a skin condition called Sebhorric Dermatitis, which causes redness and flaking of the skin not only on the scalp but anywhere there are any concentrations of oil glands in the skin. Long story short, I have a treatment regimen and the days they were visiting coincided with one of my worse days. That started my week off with an argument over whether I was doing everything I could to control my chronic condition. Of course, this wasn't a direct conversation, this was a subversive attack through Brandi, which I resented in the extreme. The next stop on this train wreck was Thursday. Brandi's parents had driven down that evening to stay for the weekend. This touched off an argument because I had to work late Thursday evening to at least try to take care of a few things so that I'd be able to take Friday off. that didn't work out, but because I had this work that absolutely had to be done I couldn't drive up and do anything with them. Apparently keeping my job over playing cards with her and her parents was the wrong choice in their eyes. Friday the two of us got into an argument over registry stuff for the wedding because I went to the restroom in the middle of it and while I was gone, her and her mom picked out a bunch of stuff that, while are not traditionally things grooms care about, something I was interested in being involved in the selection process. (note: anyone of you caught buying formal china sets for us will be shot. I hate the pattern with a passion.)This cascaded the rest of the evening and into the next morning. Saturday is when the train jumped the track, the engine exploded, and all passengers were lost. Half the day was spent with Brandi's mom bashing the way brandi decorated, how she laid out her appliances and so on until it came to a head when Brandi told her what she was planning on cooking for dinner and her mom started telling her she should make other things instead. At this point I was fed up and Brandi was in tears. I don't care that they helped us with the remodeling, what her mom did was rude, wrong, and unacceptable. I mean really, it's our god damned house, we will do what we please with it. She can either accept that or go to hell as far as I am concerned. And really, how much more rude can you get than telling your host that the food they are going to feed you isn't what you want and that they should change it? I swear to god that if it happens again that I am going to tell her to her face that if she doesn't like what we're going to prepare then she doesn't have to eat it. Sunday went relatively smoothly compared to the rest of the week and then today I get hit again with this crap that I am not a hard enough worker for them. How dare that bitter old hag.
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