I'm completely enamored with Lupe Fiasco. Oh goodness.
Especially tracks five and eleven on his album --"I Gotcha" and "Hurt Me Soul."
The first one makes me want to daaannce.
Whenever I fall in love with songs or books, etc
I think about how I should be productive creatively.
How someone could think of something I produced as beautiful.
Home early today.
Was at a bar earlier, loved the decor in it.
I want a tin ceiling when I have a real place of my own.
I love mismatched shit. Shows character (?)
Things accumulated over time.
Sometimes I think I have so much to say but
when I set down to articulate it all,
nothing comes out. Always grasping at what I imagine must exist
Or maybe existed just a moment ago.
Just read that a club that I went to a few weeks ago
and that my roommate was thinking about having her birthday party at
closing permanently because a patron was pushed down the elevator shaft...
It's very odd because I'm imagining that it's the same elevator that I exited the building on.