Fifth Paradise

Nov 03, 2009 03:50

[The following is written on a piece of paper that seems to have been accidentally placed in the journal pages. There are also a few pictures taken by the journal attached. The handwriting is childish, but careful. She takes her homework assignments seriously.]

My Lucetiland Trip
by Nanako Dojima

Sunday October 25
Weather: Warm and sunny!

Today was the first day of the park! I went all over to look at everything. My big bro even got me a souvenir.

See? It's a Jack Frost doll. I have one at home, too, but it's a little bit bigger.

Then we all went to stay at the hotel. It had electricity and even a TV!

Monday October 26
Weather: Warm and sunny

I played some of the games today. The ring toss was hard... It took some of my tokens. Then I met a man who was lost. He had really long hair and looked a little scary, but he was nice when I talked to him. I gave him my map and he helped me win a prize!

I said thank-you, but I didn't get his name.

Tuesday October 27
Weather: Warm and sunny

Today I went around the park with Naoto-kun. We went on that ship that goes up really high and lots of other rides, too. Naoto-kun seems to like high places...

Wednesday October 28
Weather: Warmer and sunny

Big Bro went with me today. We went to Choco Land and rode on the teacups and the ferris wheel. There were these really big birds that you could ride too. They were really cute and went "wark!" Like that! The sign said they were "chocobos." I didn't know you could ride birds... We also met a nice girl who helped us.

Thursday October 29
Weather: Still really sunny

I stayed at the hotel most of the day today. It was really, really big, even bigger than Yukiko-chan's inn. And you could order all the food you want for free.

Friday October 30
Weather: Warm and sunny

I went on more rides today. I'm almost out of tokens, so I should save some for tomorrow. I went to the zoo, too. There's so many weird animals. Even weirder than on the nature channel.

Saturday October 31
Weather: Warm and sunny

Today was the Halloween ball! Ryoji and I used our last tokens in the morning. We got Big Bro a present together. Then we got costumes - I was an angel and Ryoji was a reaper. Ryoji took me to the party because Big Bro was going with somebody.

The robots were kind of scary, but the ball was fun. Big Bro dressed up like Dad and Horatio-san dressed as Indiana Jones! And that man from before was Beast from Beauty and the Beast. There were a lot of nice costumes...

When I woke up I was at home. The park disappeared! But all the things I got are here, even my costume. And even weirder, the TV from the hotel is here, too, but there's nowhere to plug it in.

I'm kind of sad the park is gone. It was a lot of fun. When I get home, I want to go to a park with Dad and everyone. Big Bro can come too, and my aunt and uncle if they aren't busy. Lots of people make everything better!

And that was my Lucetiland vacation.

big bro, chocobos, naoto, homework, idk my bff ryoji, a better essay than lloyd, don't tell her about the hunter

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