Dec 23, 2006 16:23
EOY 2006
1. Lots of people
2. Event clashed with CF so a few good cosplayers were not there
3. Cosplayed series: FF, D.Gray-man, Naruto, .hack, KH, Street fighter, Trinity Blood, Castlevania, GSD, Juuni kokuki and etc...
4. Raydance' General Cloud nine was cool (she has the look for kakkoi charas), Reiko's Allen was cute and there was a Komui whom actually look like the chara o.O (but I think I've seen him before in NUS... but maybe I've made a mistake lol..)
There was also an Abel from TB with nice accessories, weapon and gravity-defying hair lol... Speaking of weapons, the Castlevania team rocked! I wish I can make weapons like that lol....
Overall the event was quite fun but my energy level for the event was down by half due to the stupid flu...
Not to say that my contacts caused my eyes to watered like mad before the event so ended up wearing my specs for the whole day... Those of you who reads Petshop probably felt wierd seeing a "studious-looking" Tetsu -_-"
Anyway changed out and left pretty early.
That's all : )
I shall continue with my obession for .hack//G.U.