I'd give an excuse as to why I haven't written? But... well... Use your imagination and you'll come up with exactly why I haven't been writing. I've had more important things to keep myself occupied with
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Ooh a new log in with which I am not familiar :) Hi, sorry, I'm feeling especially social and cheerful today. My name is Kimberly. Nice to "meet" you :) As for things to do...if you can hold off a little while there's gonna be a massive Valentine's Day Party at the Five Seasons, I can tell you that much...everyone's invited; should be lots of fun...
No, not really stalking. More like 'I'd rather be in bed with my lover than reading these things'. So until there's a projection that I can see on his arse? I suppose you can say 'lurker'.
Captain Jack Harkness. And you are?
[Private to ?] Yes, I do know him. Stay FAR away from him. [/Private]
Fair enough. If I had a boyfriend, I'd be in bed more often than on my Mac, too haha
...Kimberly ;) For a lurker, you're not terribly observant... lol Captain of what? Are you in the military? Because that's kind of awesome...
[Private to Jack] He freaks me out. He's always interjecting the weirdest shit into conversations I'm having. Is he dangerous or something? Because, I mean, it's not like I'm planning on hanging out with the guy. He's a serious creeper, dude. [/Private]
Like I said, more in bed than lurking. I'd call it lurker by default.
Yes, military. Royal Air Force, 133rd Squadron. And other places too.
[Private to Kimberly] He should freak you out. Trust me when I say to stay far away from him. If he's going to go after anyone, I'd prefer it was me. I know how to take care of him. He's seriously disturbed. [/Private]
Fair enough. Must be nice. Color me slightly jealous. It's been a while, sadly, for me. Not that I noticed much of my lonliness in the biblical sense during the past year, but that's beside the point
Oh cool! Royal Air Force? Is that, like, not American or do I just not know my shit? lol
[Private to Jack] Jesus...I'll take your word for it and stay the hell away. Is that what he looks like? The icon? I'll keep an eye out. Don't worry, he does freak me out. He makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up just through a computer, so you can bet your ass I'll be avoiding him like the plague in person. [/Private]
Oh it is nice, I won't lie. Not to mention he's rather fantastic in bed too.
Yes, Royal Air Force. As in Great Britain, for King Queen and Country.
[Private to Kimberly] Yes, that's what he looks like. I don't know what he's calling himself around here. He's most often called 'Harold Saxon', but he's been known to be called 'The Master' too.
Please do. I don't want anyone getting caught up with him. [/Private]
Lucky :P Is he a hottie? Pardon me, I'm living vicariously.
Oh okay, cool :) Where in Britain are you from?
[Private to Jack] The Master? Seriously? ...he said that in my journal and I made fun of him. Connor and I ripped on him...should I, like, be worried now? I was really goading him in there because I thought he was just a creepy freak, I didn't think he was, like, actually dangerous... [/Private]
Oh, I think he is. Tall, dark haired and Welsh. Actually, his picture is in one of the logins here. I just won't tell you which one.
Don't let my accent fool you, I am from Britain. Sorta. Cardiff, South Wales.
[Private to Kimberly] Yes, seriously. I... haven't seen much of him here to know if he is that dangerous or not. But he is both, as you put it, a creepy freak and dangerous. Honestly -- if you ever see him about, please contact me immediately. I'll deal with him. I'm the only one who can. [/Private]
Oohhh! He is nice! My amazing powers of deduction say he's teapot_jones (seeing as how I'm pretty sure he's not the creeper and I know he's not a_hat_trick because he's the guy I wish was in my bed while I'm living vicariously that's Connor. Very cute!
I've heard of Cardiff, but I've never been across the pond, so I don't know where it is or anything. Why would your accent fool me? I mean, obviously, I know why - it clearly doesn't match Britain from the sounds of it - but if not, then what is your accent, out of curiosity?
[Private to Jack] Okay, will do. After I have a mini panic attack thanks to this conversation :P But in all seriousness, I will. And I'll stay away. Thanks for the heads up. [/Private]
Your amazing powers of deduction would be correct in that. He's quite the looker. Get him in a suit? Though he looks better out of it.
Part of Britain, nice little place, right on the coast. Accent would fool you because I sound like an American.
[Private to Kimberly] My intent wasn't to give you a mini-panic attack. Just to let you know what's going on is all. Better safe than sorry. [/Private]
I'm so smart I amaze myself sometimes :P lol jk Yeah he really is. Nice catch, Jack. This is me officially giving you props ;)
Ahhh how'd you manage that accent living over there? Were you born in America?
[Private to Jack] I know and I probably wouldn't feel that way if I hadn't been ripping on him in public the way I had. Mental note: do not go out alone anymore lol [/Private]
I think he is anyway. Like I said, looks fantastic in a suit. I'm glad I have the approval though not needed.
For all intents and purposes, yes.
[Private to Kimberly] Probably not? But at least you know now and that's the most important part. I don't think he's stupid enough to try anything here? But I wouldn't put it past him either. [/Private]
It's hard to explain, and I'm not going to explain it so don't ask.
[Private to Kimberly] You're welcome. Honestly -- let me taunt him for a while. He'll forget about you I'm sure. I'm... a bit more interesting of a subject. [/Private]
I think that could quite easily be arranged. Looking forward to it, even.
Cool, looking forward to seeing you there. I never caught your name...
[Private to ?]
Do you, like, actually know that creeper up there? The one with the log in hasthatright?
Captain Jack Harkness. And you are?
[Private to ?]
Yes, I do know him. Stay FAR away from him.
...Kimberly ;) For a lurker, you're not terribly observant... lol Captain of what? Are you in the military? Because that's kind of awesome...
[Private to Jack]
He freaks me out. He's always interjecting the weirdest shit into conversations I'm having. Is he dangerous or something? Because, I mean, it's not like I'm planning on hanging out with the guy. He's a serious creeper, dude.
Yes, military. Royal Air Force, 133rd Squadron. And other places too.
[Private to Kimberly]
He should freak you out. Trust me when I say to stay far away from him. If he's going to go after anyone, I'd prefer it was me. I know how to take care of him. He's seriously disturbed.
Oh cool! Royal Air Force? Is that, like, not American or do I just not know my shit? lol
[Private to Jack]
Jesus...I'll take your word for it and stay the hell away. Is that what he looks like? The icon? I'll keep an eye out. Don't worry, he does freak me out. He makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up just through a computer, so you can bet your ass I'll be avoiding him like the plague in person.
Yes, Royal Air Force. As in Great Britain, for King Queen and Country.
[Private to Kimberly]
Yes, that's what he looks like. I don't know what he's calling himself around here. He's most often called 'Harold Saxon', but he's been known to be called 'The Master' too.
Please do. I don't want anyone getting caught up with him.
Oh okay, cool :) Where in Britain are you from?
[Private to Jack]
The Master? Seriously? ...he said that in my journal and I made fun of him. Connor and I ripped on him...should I, like, be worried now? I was really goading him in there because I thought he was just a creepy freak, I didn't think he was, like, actually dangerous...
Don't let my accent fool you, I am from Britain. Sorta. Cardiff, South Wales.
[Private to Kimberly]
Yes, seriously. I... haven't seen much of him here to know if he is that dangerous or not. But he is both, as you put it, a creepy freak and dangerous. Honestly -- if you ever see him about, please contact me immediately. I'll deal with him. I'm the only one who can.
I've heard of Cardiff, but I've never been across the pond, so I don't know where it is or anything. Why would your accent fool me? I mean, obviously, I know why - it clearly doesn't match Britain from the sounds of it - but if not, then what is your accent, out of curiosity?
[Private to Jack]
Okay, will do. After I have a mini panic attack thanks to this conversation :P But in all seriousness, I will. And I'll stay away. Thanks for the heads up.
Part of Britain, nice little place, right on the coast. Accent would fool you because I sound like an American.
[Private to Kimberly]
My intent wasn't to give you a mini-panic attack. Just to let you know what's going on is all. Better safe than sorry.
Ahhh how'd you manage that accent living over there? Were you born in America?
[Private to Jack]
I know and I probably wouldn't feel that way if I hadn't been ripping on him in public the way I had. Mental note: do not go out alone anymore lol
For all intents and purposes, yes.
[Private to Kimberly]
Probably not? But at least you know now and that's the most important part. I don't think he's stupid enough to try anything here? But I wouldn't put it past him either.
lol you either were or you weren't...
[Private to Jack]
...great. Well thanks for the heads up, in any case.
It's hard to explain, and I'm not going to explain it so don't ask.
[Private to Kimberly]
You're welcome. Honestly -- let me taunt him for a while. He'll forget about you I'm sure. I'm... a bit more interesting of a subject.
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