Hi all,
Please bear with me, as I (yet again) unveil the anomalous coin-flipping experiment, to be found here:
http://greatblondelf.com:10001/AIE/default.php3 First of all, I hope you'll cut me a little slack - I realize that there are some issues with the code, most notably the lack of collision checking. On the other hand, if used kindly (read: please don't try to break it - I'm aware that you can if you try), it should give us the desired aggregate data. Please go ahead and find a random 5-digit number for yourself, and write it somewhere, if you want to do multiple runs over time (which I hope you will). You're trying to make the script return a "+" value in the first field. After a reasonable amout of measurements, I'll be analyzing the resultant data for significance.
Although I do want recorded measurements, it is probably a good idea to hit the "just play with it" button to get the idea for a bit...
Thanks, and let me know what you think. This could probably use a good cleaning-up and general beautification, I realize....