Ninth roll - video/action

Oct 24, 2011 00:17

[Today, have a confused conman on your screens!]

-- okay, there. So!... network ... here's a question. If anyone could fill me in, that'd be great. What's this "Halloween" thing I keep hearing about? Because the only other time I've heard that name was around this time last year and laaast year, there were monsters. Big ones. So, uh, if that's ( Read more... )

do not want, !olivine, !video, !ic, long time no see, !action, what is this, someone explain

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[video] exeggutorhead October 23 2011, 22:55:45 UTC
If someone tells you, let me know. I've managed to pick up that it's something involving costumes and candy and being scared.

...which sounds a lot better than what happened last year. [Because seriously that was terrible. Worst first Halloween ever.]


[video] greatbigrock October 23 2011, 23:09:30 UTC
I keep hearing about that last part and I've had enough of that.

[Let's just hope this Halloween will be much better than last year. :c]

-- waaiiit. Wait. There were candies last year too, right?

[All those rare candies, what. might want to convince him it's not the same thing or he'll never let you eat the candy when the festival rolls around.]


[video] exeggutorhead October 24 2011, 00:04:53 UTC
You know, I'll protect you from the people running around in scary costumes if you're that worried about it.

[...well, he assumes that's the kind of 'being scared' everybody means, anyway. But he doesn't think they'd all be so happy about it if it were supposed to be legitimately terrifying. Envy thinks that what he's heard of this holiday actually sounds like it could be fun.]

Yeah, but those just appeared out of nowhere. I don't think that's what's supposed to happen.


[video] greatbigrock October 24 2011, 22:10:33 UTC
Oh great, now I feel so much better.

[Once Tulio gets out of his neurotic WHAT IS THIS phase, he just might come to enjoy it as well. It has a lot of potential, this holiday - he's slowly starting to see it.]

I hope not. I bet you're reaaally looking forward to this candy part of the Halloween deal but monster candies are a big No.


[video] exeggutorhead October 25 2011, 00:32:58 UTC
What, you don't believe me? [Tulio shouldn't, Envy would make an awful bodyguard. He snickers.]

I'll just avoid all the 'monster candies', then. Besides, I ate some of those ones from last year and nothing happened.


[video] greatbigrock October 26 2011, 23:19:00 UTC
Wh- you did?

[Envy you are the worst at taking precautions. The WORST.]

Okay, know what? I figured it out. When you die it's going to be because you ate something you should've stayed the hell away from. I promise you.


[video] exeggutorhead October 27 2011, 17:44:16 UTC
Oh come on, it was fine. Once everything went back to normal it was just regular candy.


[video] greatbigrock October 28 2011, 00:20:46 UTC
Ohh, good. So you're not a complete idiot.

[He knew that already, but still.]

Anyway, Envy -- what do you think about this costume thing? What do you know about it?


[video] exeggutorhead October 29 2011, 15:48:41 UTC
I know that the stores are full of them, and it looks like just about everyone can dress up if they want even if they aren't little kids. I don't know what the point of it is, but there's costumes for everything you could ever want to pretend to be.

I thought it sounded entertaining, at least. [Disguises! Pretending to be other people! Envy loves doing that.]


[video] greatbigrock October 30 2011, 10:43:24 UTC
Oh hooo, it can be entertaining.

[Wink wink nudge nudge.]

How about we all gear up and come up with a plan?


[video] exeggutorhead October 30 2011, 18:33:53 UTC
I think I like the sound of that. Nobody would be able to tell who we are, we could do anything.


[video] greatbigrock October 31 2011, 16:44:36 UTC
Preeecisely. We just ... dress up, sneak around, and do our thing. It's foolproof. It's perfect.

[Not about to go into details on the public thing, but that's the gist of it. Simple plan. Simple plans? Good plans.]


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