Despite still beating down a nasty cold that has lasted over a week so far and now has me blowing and sneezing up copious amounts of snot, escargot and what appears to be Cthulhu's offspring (Ia! Ia! CHOO!), I decided to start the day on a happier note, playing with the dogs, sharing my bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with them, and listening to Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 “Choral” in D minor, Op.125. It's been a good morning so far, well, other than the percussionist trying to make the music of the day "Beethoven's Nine Tympani" by trying to get all Metallica with his kettledrums in this particular performance (Wilhelm Furtwängler and the Philharmonia Orchestra, recorded in Switzerland, 1954). Still, despite the coughing, sneezing, bizarro weather and other issues, it was a nice way to start the day. In my morning online dalliances, I happened to come across a normally annoying captcha that was more in spirit with the flavor of the day.
Thanks, Google ReCaptcha, for making me feel criminally real.