I got zero sleep last night. I started to feel a bit drowsy around midnight, so I called it a day, hoping to get some decent rest. Well, that was not gonna happen. My legs became a firestorm of pins and needles and half my joints ached like hell. I ended up rolling around uncomfortably in bed until 4am, when Jeff went to work. I got up, made a tiny breakfast, and began unpacking some of the skylight pieces. I did some reading and sorting through parts, getting stuff ready for installation. My body was such a mess, I gave into the pain, popped a painkiller and went out to the sofa and laid down. I had put on some spacey prog rock and set the Winamp visualizer to give me a continuous psychedelic light show At roughly between 9:30 and 10am, I finally drifted off into dreamland via The Court of the Crimson King. Alas, my screwed up slumber was not to last, the phone started ringing and people started showing up at the house. I then decided to go ahead and begin installing the sun tunnel skylight interior bits.
I kept a poky pace resting between trips into the attic and running around below, cutting the ceiling out as well as the attic flooring and framing and eventually had all the inside work done. Not difficult, but kinda dragging simply because I did not want to overdo things. In the midst of it all, however, I figured I could get silly.
The interior skylight pieces are all in. By Sunday, appropriately, daylight should be shining through it. I'll be taking pictures and stuffing them into a Flickr set as I go along.
I'm gonna try to get to bed early, with luck, I'll get some sleep, if not, I'm gonna be a zombiefied mess for sure.