Words! part the first

Jul 08, 2009 21:39

I decided to participate in a meme. No, it's not one of those pointless ones like "What Type Of Chemical Food Preservative Are You?". No, this is a typical though rare one that creates a genuine discussion/discovery among the LJ denizens. The rules:

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!", and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your journal, and explain what they mean to you.

This set of five is courtesy of champdaddy.

1: Hillside - The now notorious gay male campground in northern PA. Jeff and I have been going for over nine years now, and it's always a chance to relax, have a family reunion of sorts with friends and regulars, meet new people, and more often than not host some of our friends on our site. No shortage of good food, relaxation, pool time, mens, and, if one chooses, potential encounters. Guaranteed fun. Even if it's a rainy weekend.

2: Guns/Muscles - My earliest and still strongest (no pun intended) fetish. During single digit age, I was not sure why I spent more time looking at the bodybuilding adverts in the back of the comic books rather than the comics themselves, it began to make sense later in life. I wanted to be strong like those guys myself, and I was blessed with good genes that made me naturally strong and able to get good results working out. A big pair of arms will always make me take notice.

3: Radio - Music and electronics were a big part of my life starting as far back as I can remember. I listened to the radio constantly. I eventually got a shortwave set and immersed myself in foreign broadcasts, ham radio, exotic music and propaganda. I built my own sets, restored old ones and came up with some crazy stuff in my early double-digit age that looking back, I should have patented. "Boomboxes" before there were such things, etc. These days, however, radio is an over-commercialized wasteland of syndicated formulaic tripe, right-wing nutso talk, Jesus-cramming, and pointless talk for the most part. To counter this, I have my own low-power transmitters, and crank up my own playlists or retransmit my favorite net radio stations and podcasts. There's something cool about hearing music the same vintage as the radio that plays it.

4: Hard-on - In the case of males (and some females), who doesn't enjoy a good hard-on? Sometimes they might turn up at an inopportune time, but mostly it's often the result of some of life's greatest pleasures. They come highly recommended.

5: Jeff - What can I say? He's my world right now, my only family, and I love him to pieces. I know I drive him nuts at times, and things can get tense on rare occasions, but we have each other, and that's the best thing in the world for me.

That's it for now, I have a couple more of these to post. Don't be afraid to ask away.

meme, participation, friends list, question meme

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