Recent thoughts on LJ

Dec 20, 2007 21:50

I have a considerable amount of folks as well as communities and RSS feeds on my LJ 'friends list'. All primo stuff for the most part. A lot of my readership has reciprocated and added me to their lists, and there ends up being a considerable amount of overlap as far as common LJ users are concerned. This, however, is not always a good thing.

It's come to my attention on several past occasions where some manner of LJ drama had broken out among people I have in common on my list. A few defriendings have also happened as those people seek to remove those that share friends lists with the other party(s) in said drama. Accusations have also popped up from some individuals that someone shared confidential info with others, causing (or fanning the flames of) the aforementioned drama.

Well, this post is made to assure everyone that this will never attributable to me. What shows up in my friends list entries as locked posts remains that way, as I hope the same would apply to anything I write. If you have any doubts towards my ability to keep my nose out of y'all's bizness, let the 'defriendings' begin. I have no desire to play such games.

lj drama, friends lists

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