Challenge 008 - Microfic

Aug 16, 2011 14:47

Because there is only half of August left, and because I imagine everyone's busy, this month's challenge will be microfic.

Hemingway may or may not have written this story:  "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."  But either way, it is our model for the next 14 days.

So, your challenge is to write a fanfic in 6 words!


There are two special guidelines because of the nature of this challenge.

1. You may enter as many six word stories as you want, even if they are in the same fandom. 
2. You only need put your name and the fandom in your header, and you needn't bother with an lj-cut.  (But do remember to tag with at least author, fandom, and Challenge 008 tags)


Entries are due MIDNIGHT, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31.  That gives you exactly two weeks.

Go forth and fic!

challenge 008, !mod post

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