Challenge 302: Captions

Feb 17, 2014 20:57

We’re going to do another speed challenge this month, thanks to the wonderful suggestion of capt_facepalm.

The Rules:
1. Choose a picture from your fandom.  (Or draw one, if you are so inclined)
2. Caption it!

Be hilarious, or clever, or serious, or sad or any combination of the above.  It does not have to tell a story.
Meta and crossovers are welcome, but you can only use ONE picture, and no animated gifs.

As always, your entry must be created for this challenge.
You may enter as many captioned pictures as you like, even in the same fandom.

Here is an example, in case anyone’s wondering:

Finally, if you have a picture you really think should be captioned, but no ideas to caption it yourself, feel free to leave it as a comment to this post.

EDIT:  The challenge will end at MIDNIGHT on FEBRUARY 28.

!mod post, challenge 302

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