Title: Cat
debriswomanRating: G
Word Count: 250
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Characters: Elizabeth Turner ( Swann) and her son.
Notes: For
the_winterwitch, in response to her prompt "unexpected appearance or love for a cat". This takes place after the end of the third film; "At World's End", Elizabeth raises her son while her husband captains the "Flying Dutchman". He is able to set foot on land just once every 10 years.
It was the stillness which unsettled her.
She would glance up from a task to find herself the subject of a steady, slow-blinking gaze.
Of course, when Elizabeth first made the acquaintance of the cat, he was nothing like the well-groomed feline she knew today. A sorry looking bedraggled scrap of fur, blown in on a storm and immediately winning the heart of four year old William. Elizabeth's initial resistance to taking on such a creature had gently crumbled with each earnest plea from her small son.
So, the cat had stayed. The cat was dried, warmed, fed, and dealt stoically with the attentions of a delighted small boy. Under sand and seawater, the cat was revealed to be a handsome grey tortoiseshell with a white collar and bib.
Elizabeth, too, found it comforting to have another living being around when her child was sleeping. One evening, she found herself telling the cat of her adventures. She talked of the characters she had met and what they had meant to her.
She spoke of her husband, Will Turner, and the long years without him. The cat stretched, yawned, and feigned sleep.
She talked of Jack Sparrow and his escapades. The cat hissed, and turned its back.
She told the cat about James Norrington; her guilt and gratitude at his fate; the memories that she would always treasure. The cat purred gently, and there it was; that same slow-blinking stare.
And peace.
Elizabeth studied the cat more closely.
"James?", she whispered.