Title: Biscuits
eanorFandom: Cabin Pressure
Characters: Arthur Shappey, Martin Crieff, Douglas Richardson
Rating: G
Words: 222
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Arthur remembers something.
Author's Notes: For
debriswoman. You asked for "memories from revisiting a place/building from childhood". I hope you like what I have done with your prompt. :-) Happy holidays! :-)
"Yes, Arthur?"
"Do you know the feeling when you visit a place where you've lived previously in your past and then you suddenly remember all these memories?"
"I suppose so, yes. Why?"
"Well, yesterday I went to our kitchen -"
"Oh. I thought you were talking about a place from the past. You go to your kitchen every day, don't you?"
"Yes, well, but yesterday I remembered something from the past."
"Technically, all your memories are of past events."
"Oh, you're here, too, Douglas. I was just telling the story of how I went to the kitchen yesterday and then I remembered how Mum and I used to bake lots of biscuits each Christmas."
"What a charming little story."
"It's not finished yet! So I was remembering how much fun this baking used to be and then I asked Mum if we could do it again this year and if you could come, too, and she said 'Thank God it's happening to someone else this time' and so I suppose you can! Isn't that wonderful?"
"Ah. Better prepare yourselves for the special Richardson recipe, then."
"You can bake, Douglas?"
"Why the surprise, Martin? Did you really think my skills would stop at Christmas bakery?"
"No, I suppose not. Well, it does sound like fun anyway. Count me in, too, Arthur."