Just a quick reminder before I get to this challenge -- Voting for Challenge 205 is still open here:
http://great-tales.livejournal.com/234160.html . Honestly, these Mary Sues are HILARIOUS! You won't regret reading them over.
On to the microfic challenge!
The challenge is to write a complete story in 25 words -- no more, no less.
That may sound self-explanatory, but please note:
1. IT MUST BE A STORY. Obviously there is an element of interpretation here, but take the typical example of a six word story: "For Sale. Baby Shoes. Never Used." This tells a story because it implies all the possible reasons that a person could have bought a pair of baby shoes and not needed them. "The moon is bright over the sea" is not a story. It's just a setting.
2. Your story may NOT have a title. (Or if it does, that must be counted in your 25 words.
3. You may NOT write any author notes until the challenge is over.
The fun part is that you can write up to 5 and they could be in whatever fandom you want -- even if that means you write them all in one fandom. Your microfic must have been written for this challenge.
Challenge 206 ends WEDNESDAY JUNE 26 at midnight in your time zone. I will not be granting any extensions for this particular challenge, but do note that you don't have to stop yourself from posting because your clock has gone past midnight. I'll set up voting post some time on Thursday. Anything posted before then is fair game.
Use a "challenge 206" tag, as well as any other applicable tags (author, fandom, characters, etc.) for your entries.
THE COMM RULES for general posting guidelines.
Use the “!need tag” tag if you need an author tag (or any other kind of tag).
Most importantly, HAVE FUN! :-D
(And if you have any questions, feel free to ask!)