Challenge 205: Mary Sue

May 05, 2013 20:43

Challenge 204 Results are almost in.  So it is now time for the other side of the coin, the yin to the yang, the Mirror!Spock to the Spock.


This month we continue the theme of female characters, but as Mary Sues.  If you don't know what a Mary Sue is, see this nice Wikipedia article:  ( In short, your story must have a ridiculously over-idealized self-insert character.

The goal of the challenge is to have fun and be as wildly goofy as possible, and in that spirit, there is NO upper word limit.  There is a lower word limit of 100, but since I'm sure you'll need at least 100 words for you to describe the ordinary yet somehow completely irresistible to John Watson/Tony Stark/Douglas Richardson/James T Kirk/Sidney Carton/Sherlock Holmes/etc. facial features of dear Mary, I'm sure this will not be a chore for anyone.

Your fic must be written for this challenge. As always you can submit more than one fic provided they aren't for the same fandom.

Challenge 205 ends WEDNESDAY MAY 29 at midnight your time. Please don't hesitate to ask for an extension. :)



Use a "challenge 204" tag, as well as any other applicable tags (author, fandom, characters, etc.) for your entries.

See THE COMM RULES for general posting guidelines.

Use the “!need tag” tag if you need an author tag (or any other kind of tag).

And most importantly, HAVE FUN! :-D

(And if you have any questions, feel free to ask!)

challenge 205, !mod post

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