Title: By the Fire
Author: litlover12
Rating: PG
Fandoms: A Tale of Two Cities
Characters: Mr. Lorry, Sydney Carton
Word Count: 120
Summary: Mr. Lorry looks back.
Author's Note: I haven't written poetry in years, except one or two bits of doggerel for the poetry contest here, but somehow the inspiration for this just came to me the other day. Poetry Month works in mysterious ways!
I still remember how he looked that night,
The way his color came and went -- no more
Than shadows cast by flickering firelight
(Or so I thought; my eyes were dim and sore).
His voice, beneath the crackle, was so clear
My old ears barely caught the tremor there;
Facing the loss of so much I held dear,
I had but little heedfulness to spare.
He seemed distracted too, as I recall,
His foot so near the flame it made me start.
One hasty word of caution -- that was all
I gave that night, to aid that burdened heart.
So bright the blaze, it's strange I could not see
The fire within the man who sat with me.