The Silver Lady

Feb 16, 2013 17:51

Title: The Silver Lady
Author: med_cat
Rating: G
Fandom: ST:TOS
Character: Jim Kirk
Summary: The Captain reflects.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 142
Author's Notes: Most  of the credit is due to the script writers at Paramount, not to me ;). Sincere thanks to capt_facepalm for the beta.

During our first five-year mission, when a strange infection brought all the hidden emotions to the surface, I said to Spock,

“Love... you're better off without it, and I'm better off without mine. This vessel...I give... she takes. She won't permit me my life--I've got to live hers....I have a beautiful yeoman, but I’m not permitted to notice her...I’m the Captain. Now I know why ships are always called ‘she’. If I could only have a beach to walk on, a few days without braid on my shoulder.”

More than a quarter-century passed since. It is a strange relationship, that of a captain and his ship...I loved her as much as I ever loved a woman, certainly been more faithful to her, and now I’ve just sacrificed her for a friend...what does that say of my love?

character: james t kirk, fandom: star trek tos, author: med_cat, challenge 202

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