Friending Meme

Jan 31, 2013 20:07

Hello great-tales members!

We've had many new people join our community recently and I've also just realized that we've reached 100 members! Woho! \o/ So to celebrate this fact and to get to know each other better, let me open our first Friending Meme:

To participate simply answer (some of) the questions below in your comment. Then come back to read and reply to other people's answers and get engaged in a friendly community party.

1. Where in the world are you from? (Please be as specific or as general as you feel comfortable with.)
2. What fandoms do you like? Do you like to write / read in all of them?
3. What is your favourite story you've written?
4. If you could go anywhere in the world for one year, where would it be?
5. Which fictional character do you think is most like you? Or alternatively: Which fictional character would you most like to be?
6. Describe your typical writing process (if you have one).
7. Do you prefer to write fixed length fics or your own length fics?
8. Which are your favourite (least favourite) things about writing or reading fanfic? (Be it tropes or characters or whatever...)
9. Which has been your favourite challenge so far at great-tales? What kind of challenge would you like to have in the future?
10. Is it okay for people to friend you?
11. Anything else you want to share with us?

!mod post, welcome, friending meme

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