Title: Mind Heist
eanorFandom: Sherlock BBC
Characters: Irene, Molly, Sally, Kate, Jim Moriarty; hints of Molly/Jim
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: some violence; drugging and mind-bending in the context of Inception!verse
Words: 5100
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Jim Moriarty has stolen some very important bank codes. To extract them from his mind, Irene, Molly and their team have devised an intricate net of dreams that will not only make Moriarty give them the codes, but will also make him believe in the best distraction they can imagine - Sherlock Holmes, a consulting detective. An Inception-style AU.
Author's Notes: This was written for the winter round of
sherlockmas 2012 for
special_schizo. Huge thanks to
musical_lottie for emergency beta-reading! All remaining logic errors are mine.
Comments and criticism are always very welcome! Enjoy! :)
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