Drabble: Aiyata

Feb 04, 2011 20:46

 Title: Aiyata
Author: Alone Dreaming
Rating: PG (for no other reason than I simply don't do G)
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Character(s): Aragorn (Estel)
Summary: It's all home.
Warnings: None what-so-ever. Well, maybe the sinful use of Elvish. But considering how I used it almost ten years ago, I'd say it's an improvement.
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Written for the February Drabble challenge. ;)

He has many homes across these lands, from the great halls of the Rohirrim to the towers of Gondor to the simple homes of the Dunedain. They all hold his heart, some small piece of his soul, years of his history; days filled with joy and laughter, days filled with sorrow and wails, days filled with the inevitable, harrowing creep of darkness. They have all created him, piece by piece.

But not one of them brings the soothing relief, the warm comfort, like the aged carvings and open windows, the gentle lilt of song and the soft words, "Aiyata, Estel."

character: aragorn, rating: pg, challenge 002, author: alone dreaming, fandom: the lord of the rings

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