Challenge 104 -- Poetry

Apr 03, 2012 21:42

April is National Poetry Month in the US, so this month's challenge is poetry!

The only guideline is that it can be no shorter than 12 syllables.

Yep.  That's all you have to write -- TWELVE SYLLABLES!

You're free to write an epic, but be warned, I'm unlikely to read more than one book of it... too busy at the moment.

If you write a mock epic in Heroic couplets, my eighteenth-century-ist-wannabe heart may burst with pride.  (Also, you may have stolen my only idea.  But you can have it.  I'm so unlikely to write anything...)

Go forth and poetify!

(also... as usual, you may enter only one poem per fandom, and please use appropriate tags.)

!mod post, challenge 104

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