Title: Night at the British Museum
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (bookverse)
Genre: Mystery, AU, Supernatural(ish), Friendship, Gen
Rating: T for room to play
Disclaimer: Main plotline and plot device directly stolen from the Hollywood films Night at the Museum and Night at the Museum II: Battle for the Smithsonian. Plot, relevant details, and anything else you may or may not recognize probably belongs to 20th Century Fox. Holmes and Watson belong to the estate and heirs of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, though the characters themselves are in public domain now. All other characters are historical figures; their lives and actions are in no way being construed as fact in this work of fiction.
Summary: Sherlock Holmes, an amateur consulting detective struggling to eke out an existence in late 19th-century London, is made an offer he cannot refuse (for various reasons, one of them being that he must pay his rent or be evicted from the tenements of Montague Street); a position as a night watchman at the British Museum, temporary employment due to a recent influx of new exhibits. What he does not realize, is that strange things are about to happen in London, and that much higher powers than he or the Museum estate managers are involved. With the assistance of a certain British army doctor from the new Kandahar exhibit, he must unravel the museum’s deadly secrets, and expose his century’s most terrifying, elusive killer - Jack the Ripper.
A/N: Well, it's been over a month since I wrote anything, due to personal issues with life, amongst other things. And I suddenly realized I have far, far too many WIPs; so my New Year's writing resolutions are to simply finish the WIPs I have. This one may be a long, slow time in coming, but I am trying, I promise. Written in the same format as Worth and Choice, because that seems to work for me. Hope you like. :)
Also, LJ is eating my formatting, so my apologies if it looks wonky.
Chapter One )