Title: "Back in Paradise?"
med_catRating: G
Fandom: ST:TOS
Characters: Kirk, McCoy, Miramanee
Words: 50
Warnings: angst
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Summary: Prompt fill for
litlover12's prompt: "Just for an hour, everything goes back to the way it used to be"
Author’s notes: I hope you like--I upturned the inkwell and this is what poured out... Dialogue fic.
At the beginning of the fourth year of the five-year mission:
Miramanee?! But…how…?
What do you mean?
You…you’re dead…you were dead…
Hush, you’ve been delirious with fever these three days…sleep now, all will be well.
I love you…
An hour later…
Jim, wake up!
Jim, wake up, it’s McCoy!