Title: The future Empress of Hungary
Author(s): eanor's little sister
Rating: G
Fandom: Sissi - Forever My Love
Character(s): Sissi, Franz (emperor of Austria), Count Andrassy of Hungary
Summary: written for
this prompt: Sissi has to choose between doing what looks like the right thing, and what really is the right thing.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 308
Author's Notes: My little sister (15) has to practice her English writing, so I gave her one of the prompts from the recent challenge to work on. This is her result. :-) (SpaG-checked by me, but everything else is left like she wrote it.) It would be great if you could leave her a little feedback or (friendly) concrit, so she can improve her writing (though please remember that English isn't her native language) and gets the impression that writing is something fun to do. Thanks so much! :-)
Sissi, the empress of Austria was standing in front of a window and watched the snow outside, when her husband Franz walked into the room and told her to get dressed for the Hungarian reception. Sissi didn’t want to go with him because of a bad argument they had had. The day before, they had argued about their daughter and whether it was Sissi’s part to take care about her education or not. Because this reception was very important for the future of Austria, Franz asked her again and again but Sissi didn’t change her opinion. She was still sad and angry because Franz had hurt her feelings so she told him that she wouldn’t take part in the reception. After that Franz left the room and got dressed for the reception. During that count Andrassy of Hungary, who was one of the important guests, walked into Sissi’s room and asked her, if it was true, that she didn’t want to talk to his people just because of an argument with her husband and her mother-in-law. Sissi nodded sadly and told him, that it wasn’t easy for her, because she loved Hungary, but she was not able to take part in the reception. Andrassy told her that an empress couldn’t refuse to do something important, just because of an argument with her family. After that Sissi asked him to leave her alone. Franz had already got dressed for the reception and he was heading towards the reception hall, when Sissi, dressed in her new gown for the Hungarian reception, walked into the room.
First he couldn’t believe his eyes but when she said that she decided to take part in the reception, he smiled and told her that his mother agreed that the child belongs to its mother. After the reception Sissi knew, that she had decided right.