Flaming Lips!--doooo yooou realize?

Oct 04, 2007 12:16

The Flaming Lips concert was awesome! The opening band (Birds of Avalon) wasn't too great--there are long stretches in their songs with no lyrics, so the lead singer likes to fill the time by lifting the microphone stand above his head, apparently. And once he bit it.

But the Flaming Lips--wow. That was totally cool (except I was standing in something sticky, but hey, what do you expect?). There were giant balloons, lots of confetti, laser pointers, a dude crowdsurfing. . . bunches o' stuff, and great songs on top of that!

A quick story for you: Back in high school I went to a No Doubt concert (yeah, I know. Shut up.) with my then-friend Jen; her father was there to make sure nothing bad happened to us. At one point the audience was supposed to yell out FUCK! really loud, and I did (because I was supposed to) and Jen looked at me really weird. And I felt bad.

So when, during the song "Free Radical" last night, I was able--nay, encouraged--to yell out "FANATICAL! FUCK!", and I wasn't looked at strangely because everyone else was doing it--awesome. It was very cathartic, and now the 7 years I've been carrying around the mental burden* of that No Doubt concert have been completely taken care of. I am now a free bird.


*Aside from the mental burden of having gone to a No Doubt concert. I think the Black Eyed Peas were there. *scrubs brain*

music, random

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