Feb 23, 2003 01:17
Well guys, i fucked up again. Me and Josh. You know, this shit never seems to fail. To be honest well, i think ill be grounded for proabably at least 6 months. Thats no joke. Sigh. And no its not marijuana. Dont you hate those "friends" that whenever you they got a problem, your willing to listen and help them out. I mean drop whatever your doing to help'em. Loose sleep, whetever it doesnt matter. Then whenever you call upon them for once. For once, they cant fucking be their for you. What the fuck is that. What the fuck is the point of calling me if you dont have the motherfucking time. Check this guys, Im goin through motherfucking hell rite now, i try to talk to someone and tell them whats up since they ask. They dont give a fuck, its like im wasting my time. And when i say you know, im sorry for watsing your time they get pissed at me. Fuck that. I dont need your ass either. Yea whatever, you need help, somethings troubling you call. Go ahead, you know i'll helpyou out cuz that just the type of person i am. Thanks for letting me know how you are. You know who im talkin to. The rest of you. Have some fucking fun for me. You guys have no clue. And be true to your friends. dont say u'll act one way and then act a completely other way when it comes down to it. I wanna say thnx to tati. Josh,man sorry we went down together again but im glad it was with you. Not your fault man. dont be too hard o yourself. Dom you gotta be Hard and Core for me man. Its gettin harder to hold it all together. The rest of you guys, jason, chasis, early, jourdan, vito much love. And the one who i help all the fucking time and i need a lil and its unreturned.......Fuck you. i would have never thought, specially at a time like this but u know, ur a chick, so i guess if i juct say "oh, im sorry its my fault" it will make things better. Fuck that man...come to me for all the help you want i dont care i just know not to go to your ass.