We Are One!

Jun 16, 2012 07:35

Okay, some of you maybe are confused with this [read: lots of things]. Please don't misunderstand me, this journal greasywu its owner is the same as uknowmaname which is mine, Girlline G. And not owned by two people or so, just me Girlline or you can call me Mimie instead.

Why did I make two livejournals which is wasting my time or whatnot?
Because uknowmaname is my SHINee journal, it means that journal contains with SHINee stuffs. A journal where I write fanfics for SHINee fics only. And this journal also my personal journal. If you want to befriends with me as a SHAWOL, you can add me here.
And forgreasywu , is my EXO journal, it means this journal contains with EXO stuffs. A journal where I'm as an author for EXO fics. And for your information, as I have mentioned above, this journal for EXO fics and I'm the author but this journal none of EXO fics that I write will be posted on here. This greasywu journal  is just my personal journal for spazzing or fangirling toward EXO boys and you can add me as an EXOtic here.

My EXO Fics, you can check it on hissinfullips
You openly can join or watch or reading my EXO fics on there
To join, watch or reading.

[Most Impotant]
I have cleared this so if you still misunderstand saying uknowmaname plagitarize greasywu or vice versa, that's totally and absolutely wrong because uknowmaname and greasywu are owned by me, Girlline G.
When I spazz and fangirl around toward SHINee boys, I'm uknowmaname
And When I spazz and fangirl around toward EXO boys, I'mgreasywu
Last not but least, for now I'm greasywu, which it means that I'll focus on EXO Boys.

[Current Status]
uknowmaname - Semi Hiatus or possibly hiatus from now on
Greasywu - Working

Bye. Thanks.

.Don't be hesitant or shy, just ask me if you have any questions that are still stuck in your head.

!personal, !important, !warning

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