Offshore Norway

Nov 20, 2006 03:49

Well hello, me hearties.  Here I am again, in Norway, on a big old ship called the Edda Fonn.  There's bugger all happening in my department, so it's pretty boring.  Mind you, I may have some charts to look at, in a little while.  We're currently in Port, waiting to pick up a geotechnical crew, which apparently means another 7-9 days of unadulterated ennui for yours truly...

Still, I shouldn't complain, as I'm being paid for reading books and watching films.  Oh, they made me move cabins.  There's no real reason, as I've gone from one single cabin to another single cabin...

I've been to the gym today, whilst on shift.  It beats going straight from getting out of bed - gives the poor old aching muscles and joints a bit of time to wake up and loosen off a bit.

Erm, that's it.  Apart from the nice food.  Speaking of which, it'll be breakfast in 45 minutes.  The only thing wrong with breakfast is the Norwegian black pudding, which is SWEET.  Wrong, wrong, wrong!
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