
Sep 17, 2006 12:09

Morning all.  I haven't posted much lately, as a result of lethargy & apathy.  I went to my cousin's wedding and came back on Monday, in time to go offshore Wednesday/Thursday.  Ha ha, yeah, right!  I'm still at home.  I think I'm still getting over the bloody shingles, which is why I'm feeling functional, not ill, but a bit tired all the time.

So... new events:  I now have a new occupant in my spare room, to wit, Yvgenya, (Xenia) James' lass.

Went to Fitzys with the pair of them last night.  Met Lee, Dave, Harvey & Beth and their mate Helen.  Harvey has given me the name of the best sheben in Co Antrim, up near Giant's Causeway.  I will get this bike trip I've been planning for the last 3 years... go down to Cork to see John F, Mad Kev & Ruari etc, then come up the West coast and rond the top.  Hell, I might even see if I can track down Daft Dessie form uni, who also lives a stone's throw away from the Causeway.  But not this year... bit cold and for it wet now.

Anyway, I digress...

They all went off to some more pubs, but I came home at closing time.  I didn't get up till after 9.30 - shock, horror!! - and felt generally fairly wretched.  And I only had 4 1/2 pints of normal beer.  The headache is dissipating now.

No reply to the text I sent to George last night, so I'll send her another soon.

Oh, I hav been to salsa dancing classes, at the Quayside exchange.  James' mate Patch and his missus run it.  I went last Tuesday and the Tuesday before and rather enjoyed myself.  Complete novice, of course, but fun all th same.  The first time, this woman of about 50 came up to me in the bar during the break and said,

"I'm having a dance with YOU!"

So I did, later on.  Erm, it was a bit scary, as she didn't break eye contact and was wrapping herself into me all the time, putting my hand on her boobs at every opportunity and rubbing them into my back.  Actually, she was pretty good at it and I twigged a couple of things, but still...  Of course, James was trying to convince me to shag her, the bastard.  I mean, I know I'm a bit crap at "reading signals," but the only way she could have been more explicit was to have stripped off and sat on me!
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