Dec 14, 2006 00:31
I now find myself in a quandary: should I accept a job that pays lower than my current salary, but it is in the line of what I always wanted to do in life, or to continue with my present crappy job for a decent teaching salary? This guy who basically holds my career life in the palm of his hand is asking me about my expected salary. I mean why the hell they have to ask this to hopeful applicants is beyond me. This line of questioning is designed to trip every starry-eyed aspirants into a) daring you to aim high and then they would undermine your self-esteem by saying “are you really worth that much?” and b) intimidating you into begrudgingly accept whatever value they think they can swindle from you.
However, as I grapple with the answers I need, I am also filled with dread because of my lack of Chinese proficiency and my nil professional background, all of which would eventually usher me to the exit door. Pessimism and self- deprecation rains today. I really feel like the pond-scum of the corporate ladder! At the same time, I am weary with instructing English to yahoos who frankly, I don’t think deserve to learn.
I wish I have enough money to go home to the Philippines and to see my family for Christmas, just for an hour; then jet back to Shanghai and get past all this holiday nostalgia bullshit. One hour with the entire clan is really just what the doctor ordered.
Mental note must start exercising because my joints feel like that of an old woman’s. Also, must start being more active or else, I’m going to end up wrapped in an afghan every night either reading a novel or start crocheting.