Drabble: The Sweetest Smile

Apr 03, 2007 01:51

Title: The Sweetest Smile
Author: Teara or grdnofevrythng
Prompt: sweet
Rating: G
Word count: 200
Disclaimer: I don't own them. I wish I did.
A/N: I'm not sure what inspired this.

"She always had the sweetest smile. That’s what everyone always says. But not too many people knew the girl behind the smile. Not like I did. They didn’t know that she cried every time she watched The Lion King with our little sister. They didn’t know that once a month she volunteered down at the local women’s shelter or that she dreamed of one day being a social worker. They didn’t know that her favorite color was really orange because she thought it was the color of happiness or that preferred lilacs to red roses because she thought that roses were too cliché. They didn’t know her like I did. To everyone else, she was a queen, but she was so much more for me. She was my confidante, my best friend, my very hope for the future. The one that taught me the true meaning of love. So while everyone mourns for the girl with the sweet smile that died fighting a disease that took hold of her soul before she ever had any hope of fighting it. I’ll mourn for the girl she really was. The one behind the smile. And the woman she’ll never get to be."


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