FIC: White Flag(30/40)

Oct 19, 2009 22:35

Title: White Flag
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sam/Brooke...Sam/F..
Summary: This is an Futurefic in which Brooke and Sam have already been
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I certainly wish I did. Damn Ryan
Murphy and his unrivaled genius.
A/N: A lot of these have just been sitting on my hard drive waiting to be posted. I should probably start posting them, huh? I hope people out there are still reading this. If not, then it's kind of a moot point, right? Anyway, if you are, let me know and I'm post the rest. Thanks to Karen for beta'ng.

Part Thirty

“Cara, we have a few moments left in the session. I want you to show your mothers the self portrait that you drew in group today.” Dr. Tanner smiled over at the girl.

As Cara unfolded the paper beside her, Brooke found herself holding her breath. She wasn’t sure what the picture would hold. She could remember her own self-portrait when she’d stayed in the clinic. She silently prayed Cara’s wouldn’t resemble hers.

Cara held the paper up for her parents’ inspection. Sam and Brooke studied the drawing for a moment, both grinning at what they saw. “Cara, why don’t you explain the things in the picture,” Dr. Tanner suggested.

Taking a deep breath Cara pointed to the first drawing on the left. “This is Mom in front of our house. She’s happy because I’m coming home and also because we just got a dog. See there he is right there. His name is Bailey.”

Brooke looked over at her ex-wife as Cara’s hopeful hazel eyes met hers and Sam chuckled. “We’ll see,” she answered in a non-committal tone.

The girl smiled brightly before pointing to the picture on the right. “This is Mim. She’s smiling and happy because she got a new job and doesn’t have to go on long trips anymore. She’s happy I’m coming home too. She can’t wait to make gooey popcorn balls and watch Orlando Bloom movies. Plus she’s got Sherbert to keep her company when I’m at mom’s and she misses me. See there’s Sherbert in the window. This is me in the middle. The band aid on my head is for...” Cara hesitated looking over at the doctor uncertainly. Dr. Tanner smiled reassuringly and nodded for the girl to continue. “It’s because I know that everything wasn’t my fault now. I know I don’t have to be perfect and try to make things better for you. And I know I’m not fat. There’s one on my heart because I know that you love me and you just put me here because you want me to get better. There’s one on my stomach because I want to get better.”

The blonde chuckled good-naturedly at the mention of the movie nights and felt tears sting her eyes. She was so proud of Cara. She above anyone knew exactly how hard it was to accept all of those things and for the first time in six months, she could finally see a light at the end of this proverbial tunnel. She wanted to shout or dance or give Cara a huge hug. She opted for the last of the three. Standing she pulled Cara to her, kissing the top of soft, strawberry scented, dark locks. Cara hugged back, the paper in her hand crushing against Brooke’s side.

“Well Cara, that was great work. We’re all very proud of you,” Dr. Tanner said. Cara pulled away, smiling brightly at the doctor. “Unfortunately, the session is over. It’s time for you to get to dinner.”

“Okay,” Cara replied, reluctantly letting go of Brooke. She walked over and hugged Sam, kissing her cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mom and Mim,” she said before walking out of the room and down the hall.

The doctor turned and regarded the two women for a moment before speaking. “I think it’s time we start talking about Cara going home.”

Brooke sat down slowly as she and Sam locked gazes before turning back to the doctor.

“Are you sure?” Sam asked.

“I am. Since her break through she and I have been able to address those very specific issues that we hadn’t been aware of before. Add that to the fact that Brooke has a new job and has since been able to work with Cara and mend their relationship. Cara has simply thrived. I feel that as long as you both are able to keep her in this same loving and stable environment, I have no doubt in my mind that she can continue her progress at home. From the change that appears to have taken place in your personal relationship I believe that can be accomplished.”

Sam looked at Brooke and the blonde knew what she was thinking. While they had called a truce and their relationship was slowly becoming what some might consider a friendship, they both knew that it could change at any moment. Only this time, Brooke was determined not to let that happen. She’d meant what she’d told the brunette. She was going to make it up to them if it took her the rest of her life. She would do whatever it took.

“Dr. Tanner, we will do whatever it takes to insure that Cara recovers and is healthy and happy,” Brooke answered with a smile.

Sam seemed to visibly relax. They could do this. Brooke was sure.

“Good, there are a few other details we need to discuss, but I’m sure that Cara will be able to leave in about two or three weeks.” The doctor stood, signaling the end of the conversation. “Sam, I will see you on Thursday and Brooke, I will see you tomorrow evening.” And with that, the doctor walked out of the office, leaving the women to gather their things.

Brooke hissed out a breath as she bent to grab her bag. Sam moved to her side. “Are you okay?”

“What? Oh yeah, I uh…overdid it in yoga last night.”


“Yeah, I’m taking a class at the gym. Why not? I have nothing on Monday evenings to occupy my time.” They walked out the door and down the hall.

“Speaking of that, why are you meeting with Dr. Tanner tomorrow? Is there something going on with Cara?”

The blonde shook her head. “It’s nothing like that. I’ve been seeing her for more personal reasons.”

Sam looked down at her hands for a moment as they made their way to the elevator. “Is everything okay…? I mean you’re not sick again are you?”

Brooke reached over and gave her ex-wife’s shoulder a squeeze, regaining Sam’s attention. “Not at all. I told you, I will never break that promise. I just was feeling overwhelmed with life. I thought going back to therapy myself would probably help and it has. Hence the yoga.”

There was no embarrassment with her announcement. She wasn’t worried about what Sam would think about her personal sessions with Dr. Tanner. There were some lines her ex-wife wouldn’t cross no matter how heated their discussions became and Brooke was grateful for that. It warmed her that Sam was concerned about her being sick. She hadn’t realized how much she’d missed having Sam as a friend and she hoped that someday they’d be friends again.

“Well I’m glad things are going well for you.”

“They really are.” Brooke continued to walk Sam to her car.

“Hey, you start your new job tomorrow, don’t you?”

The blonde smiled before nodding. “I do.” Brooke was touched that Sam remembered.

“Well I wish you luck. I still can’t believe that you’re going to be working for Mary Cherry.”

“I can’t believe it either. It should certainly make things interesting.”

Brooke pulled the last picture out of the last box and sat it on her desk. She looked around her new office. It was a lot bigger than her old one and had a gorgeous view. It seemed Mary Cherry had spared no expense. Every piece of furniture had been imported and as she sank down into her desk chair she sighed pleasantly. She’d seen one of these chairs on a show on tv and shuddered to think about how much it cost.

She reluctantly stood when she heard the knock at the door. Walking over, she threw it open, surprised to find Jane and Mac standing there. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Well, when I spoke to Sam yesterday, she mentioned that you were starting your new job today. A new job you hadn’t told us about,” Jane said, looking at her blonde daughter pointedly.

Brooke ducked her head sheepishly. “Sorry Mom, I’ve just been so busy trying to get things finalized her with my contract here and with Cara. I was going to call you this week.”

Jane looked over at her disbelievingly. “Sure, sure. Anyway we thought we’d bring you a few things to spruce this place up.”

Mac peeked through the leaves of the plant in her arms. “Where do you want this?”

“I guess over there in the corner.” Her sister moved to where she’d pointed, dropping the plant and wiping her hands off on her pants.

“This place is huge, Sis,” Mac said, looking around.

“Oh I know. I told Mary Cherry that this wouldn’t be necessary, but she insisted.”

Her stepmother looked taken aback. “Mary Cherry?”

“Yep, she’s my boss. How could you not know that? You are standing in Cherry International, after all. Speaking of which, how did you find me?”

“Oh well Sam told me where you were working. I never put the name together with the face. Understandably because I haven’t heard her name in ages.”

“What is this?” Mac asked, standing in front of the Warhol like picture of her boss.

“That is Mary Cherry.”

Jane moved to stand next to Mac. “You know, she hasn’t changed a bit.”

“Well that’s not exactly true. She’s become even larger than life, if you can believe that.”

The older woman chuckled. “That I do find harder to believe.”

Just then there was another knock at the door before it open. “Hey hey, Brookie! Ah jus’ came in ta see how yer likin yer new office.” Mary Cherry stepped into the office. She sported a pinstriped black suit with red feathers around the collar and bright red shoes. Her blonde locks were slightly longer and slightly blonder and she looked like she hadn’t aged a day since high school.

“Hey Mary Cherry. Everything’s great. Thanks again for…everything.”

“No need to thank me, Brookie. Ah have always been the generous, givin type. You jus’ keep those clients happy and comin back fer more.” She turned as if finally realizing they weren’t alone in the room. Her hazel gaze fixed on Mac. “And who is this? Yer new lady luv? She’s a little on young side, but May/December is in like my new Havaianas. But I gotta say, she looks a little like Spam.”

Mac blushed and ducked her head. Usually Brooke would have taken pleasure in her younger sibling not only being called a lesbian but also being uncomfortable enough to blush about it, but this was just awkward. “Uh…no…actually this is my baby sister, Mac. You remember her, right?”

“That’s lil’ Macky? My my, you have certainly grown up. I remember when you puked all over my Chanel top. I always meant to send yer father my dry cleanin bill-”

“And you remember my stepmother, Jane,” Brooke said in a rush, interrupting the other blonde.

“This is Spam’s mother? Well time has certainly been good to you.” Mary Cherry stepped forward, extending her hand.

Jane shook the proffered hand. “Uh, thanks…”

“They just stopped by to drop off a few office warming presents and now they’re leaving.” Brooke looked over at her stepmother and sister, silently begging them to just go along with it. Her sister arched an eyebrow and looked like she might say something inappropriate, but then winked at her sister.

“Yeah Mom, you promised to treat me to lunch if I carried that plant all the way up here and I’m in the mood for surf and turf.” Mac grabbed her mother’s arm, walking her to the door.

“Brooke, will we see you for dinner?” Jane asked on her way out.

“Yes, I’ll be over after my appointment. We can talk about the details of Cara’s coming home party.” She answered as she walked them out. She waved to them as they made it to the elevators, then turned back to her boss nervously.

“Cara’s comin home?” Mary Cherry asked, sitting on Brooke’s desk.

“Uh, yep within the next few weeks she should be.” When Brooke had interviewed with Mary Cherry for her job, she’d made it abundantly clear that she might be called away from work because Cara was sick in the hospital. Mary Cherry had been surprisingly supportive, telling Brooke there was a reason that Cherry International was voted one of the best companies for working mothers.

“And there’s gonna be a party?”

Brooke shrugged, wondering at the sudden light in her boss’ eyes. “There’s talk of a small gathering.”

“Oh Brookie, a small gatherin is not how ya welcome someone home. Ya should let my party planner take care of it.”

“Oh no, Mary Cherry, that’s okay. We really want something small-”

“Oh don’t be silly. It’s no trouble. I’ll call Sherry Cherry right now. She’s the best party planner in all of my beloved Texas.” Before Brooke could protest further, the other blonde had whipped her phone out and was discussing party themes. She winked as she walked out of the door. “…elephant rides for the kids would be perfect.”

Brooke sank into her seat, covering her face with her palm. She hadn’t even mentioned the idea of a party to Sam and now, there was a Cherry planning it.

fanfiction, white flag, popular

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