Drabble: Seeing Beyond the Z (4/5)

Mar 26, 2009 22:18

Fandom: DWP
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Word Count: 248
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I don't.
Title: P is for Portrait

Over the years, various portraits had hung above the mantle in the living room of the townhouse. The first had been of a slightly younger, somewhat reserved Miranda and her first husband, each holding a beautiful redhead toddler that smiled bashfully. Later, after that marriage ended, it was replaced by one of a regal, if somewhat distant Miranda and twins that smiled brightly, but had very sad eyes. Five years later, Stephen moved in, another portrait was taken. This time it appeared that each of the occupants was taking a different photo. Stephen stood distinguished, his eyes glassy from the three snifters of brandy he'd just downed. Miranda sat next to him, arm curled around a sullen Caroline. Cassidy stood center, refusing to smile. This was her least favorite portrait by far, but the girls absolutely refused to cooperate for another one and Stephen had told her just to pay the photographer while he fixed himself another drink. That was when she'd replaced the family portraits with an abstract painting from a local artist.

This year, Andrea had suggested they take a family photo and Miranda had been apprehensive. Still she acquiesced and as she looked at the portrait now, she couldn't be more pleased. Gone was the stuffy formal wear. Now they all wore black blouses and blue jeans. The photographer had managed to catch them in an unguarded moment. Andrea and Cassidy were tickling a laughing Caroline unmercifully. Miranda stood back amused. Her eyes were happy.

Fandom: DWP
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I don't.
Title: Q is for Queasy

It wasn't everyday that Miranda Priestly asked you on a date. A fact that Andy was painfully aware of. So, when Miranda suggested a day out on her private yacht, Andy couldn't seem to bring herself to say that she suffered from horrible bouts of sea sickness. Though she was pretty sure Miranda could tell something was up when, as lunch was served, her face turned a lovely shade of green and she felt queasy. And she was sure Miranda had it figured out when Andy leaned over the side of the boat and emptied the contents of her stomach.

Fandom: DWP
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Word Count: 105
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I don't.
Title: R is for Rumor

By the time the rumor made its way back to Andy, she was reminded of that song by Bonnie Rait. Sure she and Miranda had gotten close, but it was strictly platonic. Right? Yet, when Miranda suggested the trip to the Hamptons just the two of them, Andy found herself questioning her motives. And when Miranda poured two glasses of wine and lit the fireplace, she thought perhaps there was something to what everyone seemed to be saying. And when Miranda pressed her petal soft lips against Andy's and she found herself kissing back, she knew they'd definitely be giving everyone something to talk about.

Fandom: DWP
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Word Count: 106
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I don't.
Title: S is for Storm

In was a little known fact that while Miranda had a surprisingly lovely singing voice, she despised singing in front of people. Even Andrea had only caught her doing it once and Miranda had quickly shot down any hopes the girl had of having an encore performance. She'd only ever sang to the twins and that was when they were younger. Still, as she watched Andrea huddle under the blanket right before the storm knocked out the power, she decided some sacrifices were worth it. Sliding behind the journalist, she pulled her close and kissed the back of her neck softly. "When I fall in love..."

Fandom: DWP
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I don't.
Title: T is for Tutor

It seemed that she and Miranda never made it through a single French lesson, one moment they'd be practicing common phrases and the next they'd be brushing up on the fine art of French kissing. Andy didn't really mind, but Paris week was only three weeks away and she'd hoped to learn more than how to ask where the restroom was or how to get to the Eiffel Tower. Though a part of her didn't seem to mind, especially when Miranda started doing that thing with her tongue the drove Andy absolutely wild. If this was Miranda's idea of tutoring, she didn't mind it at all.

miranda/andy, devil wears prada, dwp, fanfiction, abcs of dwp, drabble

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