FIC: Love on the Rocks

May 01, 2008 17:42

Title: Love on the Rocks
Author: Teara or grdnofevrythng
Pairing: Blair/Serena kinda...implied Serena/Georgina
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own them. I wish I did. "Love on the Rocks" is the title to a Sara Bareilles song that I love.
A/N: I'm attempting to write is pairing again. PLEASE be gentle. Pretty please...
Also this is unbeta'd. I apologize in advance.

Serena stumbled through the door of their luxurious suite trying desperately to be as quiet as possible and failing miserably. Afraid to alert her mother to her blatant disregard to her curfew, she opted not to turn on any lights, preferring to walk blindly into objects all the while shushing herself and giggling though she wasn’t sure what exactly was funny. Despite the fact that her hand-eye coordination was severely impaired, she managed to make it to her room without harming herself, though she was sure she’d have tiny painful bruises on her legs in the morning. She flipped her bedroom light on, only to jump ten feet in the air, like a startled cat, when she spotted Blair sitting on her bed. A disapproving look marred her otherwise flawless features.

“Jesus Blair, you scared me to death.” The blonde grasped at her chest, willing her heart rate to slow.

Blair sighed in frustration. “That’s not quite true. See…you’re still very much alive, S. For how long, remains to be seen. I suggest you tell me where you’ve been all night.”

Serena tried not to bristle at the tone. Her mind was way too fuzzy to deal with an angry Blair. They had school in the morning and if she was lucky, she’d be able to sleep off her current state over the next four hours. “I’ve been…out.” Serena shrugged

Affronted by the blonde’s nonchalant answer, Blair crossed her arms tapping her foot impatiently. “Doing what?” She demanded.

Growing annoyed and wanting nothing more than to fall face down on her bed, Chanel dress be damned, Serena ran a frustrated hand through her tangled blonde locks. “What difference does it make?”

“What difference does it…Serena, I called you like a million times and you promptly ignored me like a million times. I had to resort asking…Dan where you were and surprise, surprise, he had no clue.”

Serena stomped around the room, hoping the movement and distraction would help clear her thoughts as she searched in vain for…something. A t-shirt perhaps? Or…that’s right, she was looking for her favorite sleep shirt. “Well forgive me for not being at your beck and call, Miss Waldorf. I’ll make sure I clear my schedule with you before I decide to actually have a life of my own.”

Anger raced through Blair’s veins as she stood, walking over to the blonde and forcing her to turn around. She took in the slightly dilated pupils and unfocused look in Serena’s usually clear blue eyes and let out a mirthless chuckle. “Ohmygod you’re high.” She took a step closer and sniffed the taller girl before making a face. “And drunk-”

“Thank you, Captain Obvious.” Serena rolled her eyes. Blair was starting to make her feel bad with that disapproving look of hers and it was really killing her buzz.

“I guess we can all bid adieu to ‘Bad Girl turned Good, Serena van der Woodsen.’ And to whom do we owe this great honor to? Chuck?”

“Is that such a bad thing? I happened to like the old me a lot.” Serena pulled her dress over her head, not caring that she was exposing her breast to the other girl before she slipped her nightshirt over her head.

Angered further by how easily she’d been distracted by the sight of Serena’s naked breasts before her, Blair pressed on. “Stop avoiding the question, Serena. I know this isn’t just something you decided to do on a whim. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re acting just like you did when Georgina was still around.” Blair couldn’t ignore way the blonde froze at the mention of her old friend’s name. Then realization dawned on Blair. The ugly harsh truth behind Serena’s actions lately came crashing around her. “She is isn’t she…?” She asked in a quiet voice.

Serena couldn’t meet the brunette’s eyes. Not after all of the history that was between the three of them. “I don’t know what you’re talking about-”

“Don’t.” Blair’s tone was soft and rasped with hurt and anger. How could Serena even consider seeing that girl after what had happened? “Don’t you dare lie to be about this, Serena. Is Georgie back?”

Annoyed once again to find herself defending her actions, Serena forced her eyes to Blair’s. “And so what if she is?”

“So what?! Need I remind you of what happened the last time she was here or did you forget?”

Blue eyes flashing, Serena smirked. She was far too gone to be having this fight with Blair, but the brunette seemed to want to drag it out. And she’d forgotten how good it felt to be a real bitch for a change. “No, I haven’t forgotten and apparently neither have you. What’s wrong Blair? Jealous?”

“Of Georgina? Please. What could she possibly have had that I would want?”

Remembering how Blair’s deep brown eyes had lingered on her breasts before she’d covered them again, Serena stalked towards the other girl slowly, crowding her personal space not unlike the way Georgina had done to her earlier. She moved her face closer to the brunette’s, their mouths mere inches from one another. Blair’s gaze immediately fell to her lips and she grinned knowingly. “The one thing you’d never admit you wanted because then you’d be just like everyone else…me…”

The blonde’s words cut through the confusing haze surrounding Blair and impeding her ability to think and breathe properly. “I never realized how full of yourself you actually are, S. I’m not one for Nate’s sloppy seconds and I certainly don’t want Georgina’s. Goodnight Serena. I covered for you with Lily tonight. But don’t worry. I won’t do it again. Because you see that’s what a friend would do, and as far as I’m concerned our friendship is over.” Blair walked out of the penthouse without so much as a glance back.

Later that night, both girls lay awake in bed. Sleep alluded Serena as she finally came down from her high, her mind replaying the fight with Blair over and over again. She’d really fucked up this time and what was worse was she had no idea how to fix things.

Across town, Blair was doing the same thing. As the conversation flittered through her mind she recalled the way she’d reacted to the sight of Serena undressing. She analyzed the little thrill she’d gotten when Serena had all but eliminated her personal space. For a moment, she’d been certain the blonde was going to kiss her. She would never admit it, but a part of her had really wanted Serena to do it. Was what Serena said true? Was she jealous of Georgie and Nate and…Dan for that matter? She ignored the part of her that answered yes. She was Blair Waldorf. She wasn’t jealous of anyone. And she certainly didn’t want Serena van der Woodsen. So why was it that when she closed her eyes all she could see were Serena’s lips and feel her warm breath on her skin?


serena/georgina, blair/serena, love on the rocks, fanfiction, gossip girl

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