Not gonna lie, it's been a weird year so far.
I started it by signing up for every Wincest/J2/SPN Big Bang Challenges I could, and I was so excited, so excited!!! But then, I had some (and by "some", I mean "an awful lot of") very unespected health issues, so I had to drop out of every single one of them... except for this one. Which is why it was so important for me. I had already submitted the prompt image when it all happened, and I thought I wasn't gonna be able to do any other additional piece, but for once the Universe worked on my favor and I recovered (not a 100%, but ok) from my health issues in time to do three more!
So here they are, and I am so happy with them! I was immediately super inspired by the absolutely beautiful story my partner wrote for the prompt, and I had a lot of fun working on the art. I dare say this is one of my best works so far, and I really hope it lives up to the awesomeness of the story it goes with.
If you're interested in reading it (and I can't recommend it enough, it really is awesome), Wilderness of Water, by Phoenn, can be found here:
The underwater dream
The soulmates
The banner
The prompt that started it all
And just for your viewing pleasure, some close ups: