Feb 06, 2006 13:23
so that guy that attacked people at a gay bar in massachusetts died yesterday at a hospital here in springfield. i did my internship (and still volunteer) at the mental health part of that hospital. craaaazy. that dude deserved to die though. he killed a cop and the girl that was with him in the car, along with the fact that he committed a hate crime and was involved in nazi shit. the fact that there are people out there like that is creepy.
i played racquetball on saturday and it's probably one of my new favorite things. it's fun and a really good workout. i hadn't played in 5 years but i still won...can't deny the skills.
ummm i've got a phone interview with the guy at Camp Coca-Cola next week. i hope i get a position there, it would kick so much ass to work at a summer camp. plus it would be really good experience for what i want to do (school psychologist orrr clinical psychologist, not sure yet....pretty sure i want to work with kids though).
hm stuff to do today. time to go do it.