Happenings and Goings-On.

Dec 13, 2008 18:33

Again, its been about 2 months since I did a real update. And as always I'm sure I don't remember everything that has been going on.

Lately we've been having some bad luck in the miller household. Everybody right now is sick, and has been for at least a week, it just seems to be lingering and not going anywhere. I'm getting real tired of being sick all the time. Gryphon missed the last week of school and I hope he doesn't miss any more. We've no word from Linens N things we tried to dispute it with our bank but visa refuses to dispute anything that is a going out of business policy about no returns and exchanges. All we could do was file a complaint with the BBB and we're pretty sure nothing is gonna pan out from it. Hopefully karma will work in our favor in some future time. So basically we had to eat the cost of the knives. I don't even know what to do with them now, should i keep them or should I get rid of them. Such bad feelings associated with them. Another misfortune is of course my domain name. I have a lot a things transferred into my new domain name lizardgfx.net but its gonna take a while for me to fix everything. I tried emailing the reseller that holds my domain name but I have heard nothing back from them. So I'm hoping the old addage holds true, that bad things come in three's and nothing more happens to us anytime soon. I hope we all start to feel better as well, real soon.

I still haven't gotten around to doing Xmas cards, so those of you in far away lands may get yours after the season, I've just been busy and most recently very sick that I just can't sit at the computer for extended periods of time. Yes that means I haven't even played wow. Its been mostly laying on the couch.

Around Thursday I had started to feel a bit better, and thought my illness was going away. However Duncan caught whatever it was the previous night and we had tickets to the madrigal banquett that night. They are $100.00 tickets for a 5 course meal and entertainment at Glen Eyrie Castle in a medi-eval theme. We went to it last year and it was amazing, this year was also fun but since I still wasn't feeling the best I don't think I could have enjoyed it to the max. Duncan couldn't go because he was so sick, and I didn't want to waste a $100.00 ticket so I drove all the way to Ft. Collins, then back to bring my mom to it. I took her home yesterday, stayed the night, got an oil change today and came back home. So all in all I drove a good 12 hours or so in the last 2 days. I hope she enjoyed it, as I wanted to take her above anybody else I could think of becaues i Thought she'd get the most enjoyment out of something like that.

I think I'm getting sick again today though, its starting to creep back up on me which is really sucky.

Anywho, lesse whats happened since September....

We went to my Uncles 60th birthday party the last weekend in september. I got to see my aunt sissy who lives in TN. and we had a good time. IT was nice seeing aunts and uncles and cousins and all sorts of family together again. They get together a lot durring the year but since we live a bit away we don't get to go to them often. I think we will go there for Easter next since we are now doing Thanksgiving and xmas at our place.

In October.....

I worked temporarily for El Paso County for Early voting. It was a temp job, it wasn't that great, but it wasn't all that horrible either. We got some extra money and that was helpful. I missed a lot of Stuff with Gryphon, but my mom came down to watch him durring those weeks I had to work so I was glad at least someone got to go with him to the farm, and stuff.

Gryphon had his "report card" durring this month as well. He's doing good in some areas, not so good in others. Met his new speech therapist, glad he got a new one I didn't like his old one at all. School is good for him, he's learning a lot which we are both grateful for, tho he still seems a bit behind. We anticipate that he will also be going to pre-school next year as well.

Duncan and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary in October. yay.

This year for halloween I was working until about 6pm since it was the last day for Early voting. I got home and we bundled him up. He had 2 costumes this year, a vampire for school events, and a big fuzzy dalmation for going out since it was a heavier costume and it was a bit chilly. We drove to Woodland park since there's not a lot of places around here suitable for T&Ting. After about a block his pumpkin was full and we went to McDonalds for dinner. Duncan's mom joined us, so it was Me, Duncan, My mom and Duncan's mom, as well as Gryphon for this year's T&Ting.

In November....

We returned my mom home the first weekend in November, she was a big help for us while I was working and since it was over she needed to get back home.

This year was the first year I voted, it is an interesting process to learn and I'm glad to have had the oppritunity to do so. I've never been a huge political person, I'm still not, and I'm still uncertain weather or not my opinion matters. But at least I can say that I've done it, and it wasn't an entirely horrible process.

The last two months I've been having a LOT of dental work done to use up our flex plan for this year, in fact next week I'm getting a crown set and a root canal... yay teeth. I've had most of my cavities filled and really love our dentist. Never thought I'd ever say that. So if your in the Colorado Springs area, and want to know a REALLY GOOD dentist, I can recommend one.

Along with my teeth worked on, I've had other medical procedures done as well. I had a colonoscopy and let me tell you I NEVER want to have another one any time soon ever again..... they suck... bad. Especially the Prep>.<

We had Thanksgiving at our place this past year, I'll try to get some pics up soon. My parents came down from Ft. Collins to join us, and we had a really good time. Lots of family togetherness, I even got my dad to play some board games with us! My older brother also came down, it was really good to see him again.

We got an early xmas present from him, a Remington shot gun. I can't wait to get out there and shoot it!!

Which brings us to December....

I had my annual "woman" apt. Seems like my *ADVERT YOUR EYES FOR GROSSNESS* IUD is falling out, well I have had it for 3 years now, so I guess I have to have it replaced. Going with a different kind this time, hope it doesn't mess me up any.

I went to Gryphon's school on the 4th to bringthe kids german stars *froebel stars* that we make in our family and talk a little about one of our traditions, St. Nicholas Day. Also broth some gingerbread cookies for the kids to eat. It was fun. but learning to make those stars over again was kind of a pain. Its been way too long since I'd done it.

We celebrated st. nicholas day. It has many reasons for existing in our family, including; Pinpointing a day to put up the ole' christmas tree, celebrate our german herritage, recieve gifts that are holiday appropriate. What I mean by holiday appropriate is... have you ever gotten something on Christmas day that was..well.. basicly for the day only. Socks, ties, CD's, jewelery that was Christmas theme. I mean you have one day to wear it, listen to it, etc. before it kinda becomes obsolete. So this way you have the season to wear, listen to, this kind of stuff before putting it away for an entire year.

Along the lines of st. nicholas day, our family celebrates it probably like some others. I'll give you a rundown of our tradition though. We put up the xmas tree, we bake cookies and listen to holiday music. We have a special pickle ornimant *passed down in Duncan's family* that we put on the tree, the tradition in german families is, whichever kid finds the pickle first, gets a special present from St. Nicholas. After all that is done, we put our shoes out for St. Nicholas to fill, eat some cookies and go to bed. Thats typically our St. Nicholas celebration. We also read special books like the gingerbread man, and I want to get the Tomten but none of the booksotres had it this year.

One of the big things about treats that St. Nicholas gives you, is that you don't horde them to yourself, you share them with your family. Gryphon got some holiday socks, some candy and a Go Diego Go Christmas DVD *as his pickle gift since he found it* Its not a big holiday, but it has its reasons for being there. We don't go overboard on it, and we teach lessons like sharing, and our faith and herritage through this holiday. So I thought I'd share with you all a little about what we do around the 6th of December.

Asside from what I've previously told you about our health, and some of our other issues this month, thats pretty much been it.

I still need to do xmas cards, but as it is, I've been up and down from this post so many times into the bathroom, that I just dont know when its going to get out. I have a dentist apt, next week, and Duncan wanted to go Skiing with his work buddies next weekend. We had our holiday xmas party at boeing it was pretty much the same as last year.

My folks will be joining us for xmas this year, Duncan's will not. We plan a brief get together on Xmas eve for his mother. Other than that, its pretty much all.

If you took the time too read all this, kudo's to you. Sorry for the long post, wish I actually got around more to updating it often.

until next time...

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