Sep 25, 2010 06:04
no smoothie time tonight. The blender is toast :(
Its been a good couple of weeks of dating.
As I carefully follow the white rabbit, the path twists and turns. One door closes, another opens. Sweet.
I found a new occupation, painting snails. There are lots of snails outside near my sidewalk. They mostly come out at night.... Mostly.
So each night I catch a few and paint them. Red, Green, Gold, Polka Dot, fluorescent orange! Then I return them to the wild. Tonight I actually found one with my UV light (still alive) yeah! Go painted snails! It takes a lot of skill to paint 11 tiny moving canvases at once.
So its Friday night and I went out by myself. I am a little cautious about devoting my weekends to women I am already dating right now. The more women I date, the more perspective I get now so I need some me time.
I went downtown. It works like this:
The quiet single guy digs deep for courage and energy to brave the elements, the crowds, the lights (Oooh, he loves the lights). He puts on his shoulders and his wit and dusts off his kneecaps. He makes one last attempt to convince a girl to join this adventure of a life. Nah, she wants to sleep. The white rabbit says no, you must go alone. Oh white rabbit, is this my path he consults. "Yes, follow me, Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late" He follows. Tonight he finds free parking (SWEET) and the foot journey begins. He goes from club to club listening for the right sound, looking for the right lighting, smelling for the right crowd. Too dark, too loud, to expensive. Tonight he finds club Barbarella. Fire code anyone? This place is packed like a can of sardines. Prince sings to the crying doves and this guy, he dances his ass off. Sardine to sardine its hot and there is no A/C. Still he dances. Someone cuts the cheese and it lingers for minutes, no ventelation. Still he dances. He doesn't exist; He is alone; Of course he is alone, he doesn't exist, so anything else would be rediculous. Tonight, he is etheral (A vapor of connected knobs). Etheral I tell you. But here is how it works: He will spend the night dancing his ass off. Alone. And then the connection will happen. This little window. Surrounded by tens of thousands of people and he is alone. For hours. He tries to keep that wit for when he least expected. Thats when it happens. Make a split second decision and grab the lightening bolt right in mid strike. Hesitate, and the opportunity is lost.
So I am almost to the car when this drunk chick calls me over to chat on the steps. I take the bate (The rabbit told me to). She can't seem to get my name right probably because I never told her. Her friend the sober one listens quietly. We talk of where we are from and all that crap. We speak of breakfast and then of travel. Yeah, I could go anywhere but I have no motivation. Thats when the sober one takes notice. Oh, an expression of wealth or something? So now she is really interested. I mention that I am on a dating site and they seem freaked, like that's odd or something. I guess they meet all their men on street corners??? Then I mention that I am dating more than one person at a time. ludicrous, shocking, I know, (I didn't even mention polyamory) but apparently just the idea of dating more than one person at a time is foreign to these two. Finally, she announces: "Oh, you're a free spirit". Her interest wanes. I can't put you in a box and keep you, you will just go away one day. You are useless to me she more or less says. Now I am about to say "I could be the most interesting different person you have ever met, don't you at least want to make a connection before I vapor away (I am after all etheral) when these two dudes come up. The vocal dude is asking for directions. His buddy fidgets uncomfortably and actually apologies for macking on my hit/fishing in my pond/hitting on my girls or whatever. But by now the girls are done with me anyway and its time to vaporize away. I make my goodbye. Really, you really would rather chat with some dude when the first thing that comes out of his mouth is "How can I get to 15th street?" really? Lets see, they aren't drunk, they walked from 8th, now they are on 9th and they need to get to 15th. Really? Enjoy the con job and have a good night. Poof. The rabbit leads me safely home. "Sleep well my human friend, for tomorrow will be another adventure. You will return that watch band that didn't fit and I see a new blender in your future"