Aug 19, 2004 20:43
After searching long and hard I found it...
A sexy work shoe.
..::collective ohhs and ahhhs::..
In fact it is the PERFECT work shoe.
-Slip Resistant
-patent leather (kicks ass)
-mary jane style
I'm so rleieved. I though i was going to end up wearing some hidious clunky thing that made me inches talled because of the tread.
Oh! The relief!
I can't wait to start work. I'm going to be rolling in money AND wearing sexy shoes. Does it get any better?
I wish we got to wear ties.
That would be so chic.
I think I may be working the take-out counter but I'm not sure. Hopefully not. 'Cos then I won't make as much money. And I like money.
More big news! I found out what the senior class voted me as for superlatives and I got Most Likely To Win Survivor. HELL YEAH! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
My hand is still swollen.
Damn wasp.
My entire had looks as if someone blew up a latex surgical glove and stuck it on my wrist.
Throughly amusing.
Turns out I'm allergic to wasp stings.
I found a frog in my bathroom the other morning.
Not just any frog, a huge damn toad.
I haven't any idea where he came from.
Pity, I didn't kiss him to see if he'd turn into a prince.