Jul 24, 2003 15:54
Okay, so I rescued this kitten on Sunday at Aaron's cousin's house. The poor thing was run over by a four wheeler on Friday. On Sunday it looked like it was doing so-so. At four weks old, there was no momma cat around, I knew it didn't have much of a chance at surviving. Unless (I get this brilliant idea) I take him home and nurse him back to health. I have done it before. Well he was doing great, eating well, getting stronger. Last night must have been pretty cold. Too cold for the kitty. We named him Oscar. I took him out to feed him and he was freezing cold. I tried to feed him, but he was too weak, I tried to warm him up, but it was too late. And then, about forty minutes later, he meowed his last meow in my warm hands. He just gave up. And oh my God was it heartbreaking. Oscar now waits in an empty shoe box for Aaron's arrival to give him a proper burial. Ahh yes, I just had to share my terrible news. *sigh*