Apr 11, 2006 20:47
Have you ever sat back and really pondered how stupid the general public actually is?
Really. Think about it. There are some dumb fucks walking around here parading themselves as intelligent life on this planet. The killing part is that the media takes advantage of this stupidity. Don't get me wrong. Everyone is entitled to "blond moments" but this has become a perpetual state of mind for many and it is very disconcerting to me as an intelligent human being.
For example, the government uses the media to distract the masses from what is really going on in the world. A prime example of this is the many attempts that have been made to take the minds of the general public off of the war. Let's see there was the Michael Jackson trial, now it's the immigration laws. The immigration law distraction may be more effective because they cause the people to spring into action behind a cause that's closer to home. Never mind the fact that between every news story that discusses the various protests against exiling our Mexican population there is an advertisement to get our young people to join the armed forces. Never mind the fact that the US military has designed numerous war games as a tactic to brainwash these young people into joining the armed forces to become the "good guy." Oh wait, a dash of a hostage killed here or there let's us know there is still a war going on.
Another example can be found in something as simple as sale prices in a grocery store. Have you ever noticed that the multi-pack can go "on sale" for a price higher than that of buying multiple single packs that equal the same quantity? Retailers take advantage of the fact that a lot of Americans can't even do 8th grade math. It's disgusting. What makes it disgusting is not the fact that the retailer take advantage of it. No, that ingenious. The disgusting part is that we have given up our will to live as intelligent human beings by making the decision not to think. Knowing how to think is somewhat based on training, but it is mainly based on a decision that we make individually not to read between the lines, and to choose to live an ignorant existence.
We brainwash ourselves into believing that we can't put our minds to something enough to make a change, so we don't. The greatest crime that an individual can commit is deciding not to use his or her brain. This is decision makes us the victims of society. Making this decision is like taking your most prized, fragile possession and throwing it out the top window of a 20-story building. We do this and wonder why we get fucked every which way from Sunday in different aspects of life. We wonder why people take advantage of us. They do it because they can and because we've each decided to make it so easy for them.
If you don't do so already, I challenge you to think. I challenge you to pick up a newspaper and sift through the bullshit to see the truth. I challenge you to analyze the things you see on TV and in magazines to determine what the underlying effects of it are. We can do this in baby steps. This doesn't have to be a constant practice but a regular one until you decide that there is something that you want to put your mind to enough to change. From there I hope that you will reach out to others like you and band together to do what it takes to make a positive change in your community, in your life, in the world. Encourage others to use their minds. Build intellectual capital. It will save your life.
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