Movies and Musings

Sep 25, 2006 13:48

Hello my multiplicities of monkeys

Been having some great weather again, dips into the fifties at night, highs in the eighties and another cold front on the way, it seems like the oppressive swelter of summer is at last past us. *crosses fingers for luck*

My current Netflix movies are the Venture Bros season one which has been a hoot. Been watching it at a slower pace than I normally do though, usually when I get into show I go into marathon mode and just watch one episode after another until I come out in a daze at the end. But it seems that Venture Bros is a dish I prefer one bite-sized episode at a time.
Also last night Kat and I watched District B13 which we liked. It’s a French action flick written and produced by Luc Besson. Set in Paris 2010, where the government has fenced off the city's ghettos, and the story deals with team up between a very agile elite-unit cop and a very agile vigilante as they infiltrate the lawless sector to stop a nefarious plan. Light on plot and what plot there is doesn’t make much sense, but it has fun characters, lots fights and neat stunts so despite the dismal ratings it’s gotten I rather enjoyed it.

Game went well last Friday, much fun was had. Rhyyss was a no show and didn't call, not like him, Hope everything is alright, I'm suspect it just a matter of crossed wires. Otherwise it might be time to gather the posse up and have him drawn and quartered.

Back on the diet and exercise wagon today, I weighed into for the first time in a long time, and found that since I fell of the wagon back in mid April, I’ve gain about twenty pounds! Well that didn’t take long. I’ll tell ya, I may have said it before but it’s damn unfair that it’s so easy to gain weight and such work to take it off. Luckily despite my lapses I’ve managed to eat right and exercise for at least 50% of the year over the past 3 years, which while not optimal, is better than I was doing before that.

Been thinking about that story I worked on in February, the one I kept a log of my progress on here, I think it’s time to plunge back into it for a second pass. So starting October first I’m gonna do that write for two hours a day, six days a week, for the entire month thing again, as it has so far been my most successful means of getting writing done to date. I still need to come up with a good ending, for as you may recall my dear monkeys, I made my goal of 10,000 words, only a few days late, but stalled out just as I got to the end as I couldn’t find an ending I was happy with. So over the next week I’m gonna ponder that some, once I got the ending down, I should be able to work towards it with more focus from the first draft. Been thinking about craft points too, seen a few places where in an effort to keep things short I drifted into narrative summary more that I should have, of course showing instead of telling means a larger word count and just over 10K I’m already pushing my self out of a lot of the market, though, there are a couple of mags that take submissions of up to 20K. Still, I rather keep it shorter as gives me more options, and looking over there are areas where I can trim some fat.
Besides I think I do better by constraining myself, it like the whole ritual of writing everyday, the discipline of doing it, of working within a box, helps focus and inspire me. I wish the novella was still popular for sci-fi/fantasy, it’s a length I think I do well in, used to be most fantasy and science fiction stories were that length. In fact almost all my favorite fantasy and sci-fi stories have been either short stories or novellas. With a few exceptions, I’ve haven’t found too many long Sci-fi or fantasy novels that I’ve enjoyed reading, too much filler, yet alone want to take on the task of writing one. Oh well there’s always compilations.

gaming, kat, rhyyss, writing, movies, working out

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