Treking On

May 15, 2006 14:50

Today seems to be flying by, curse time and it’s penchant for waiting for no one, kinda rude when ya think about it.

While out and about this weekend, Kat78731and I decided to catch a movie, sadly nothing was jumping out at us and we ended up watching Mission Impossible 3. It was better than I expected, nothing to write home about, but all in all a fine spy flick that actually felt a bit more like the old show.

For a game I ran almost completely off the cuff, just a half page of notes jotted down a half-hour before the game, last Fridays game went rather well. My hat off to the late, Manly Wade Wellman, for providing me with a fun simple plot that reminded everyone of a classic Trek episode.

Speaking of Classic Trek, Rhyyss sent me these links this morning, after classic Trek came up at the game. It seems that with the today’s relatively cheap digital recording and special effects capacity, several Trek fan clubs, one of them local, have taken to producing their own episodes.
The local group has the the Starship Exeter. Which takes place at the same time as the original Star Trek but on a different ship, they only have a couple of episodes so far.
There is an LA there's a group that continues with New Voyages onboard the classic Trek Enterprise with Spock, Kirk, etc, played by new folks.
These guys have a fair number of episodes and a surprising, to me at least, involvement from some pro’s including D C Fontana writing an episode and Walter Koning reprising his role as Chekhov which is covered in this Wired article from last year.
I watched the teaser titles, and first act of the "The Tressaurain Intersection" from the Exeter group, for an amateur work it has some very impressive production values, the thing looks sounds and feels like an old Trek episode. The acting is a little flat, but that’s to be expected, and the episode has me interested enough that I'll watch the rest at some point.

GrayPumpkin’s Blog Supplemental: I have continued my preliminary viewing of “The Tressaurian Intersection”, act two has left me feeling even more impressed with the Trek-like feel. But when trying to view act three I found that it was not yet available, a fact that has brought me some measure of disappointment.
I moved on to the previous episode “The Savage Empire” but so far “The Tressaurian Intersection” was a lot better, it’s evident that the these Exter Studio Production folks have improved on their craft.

gaming, kat, rhyyss, movies, time, geek, star trek

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