(no subject)

Feb 24, 2006 01:07

Hello Journal

Haven’t seen much of ya this week.

Been a rough week writing wise, I’m up to 7,145 words, if I’m going to make my goal of 10,000 by month’s end I’m gonna need to hit about 713 words a day, providing I don’t write on Saturday, which I’m not planning to do. Certainly not an unattainable goal but I’m gonna need to hustle and get that inspiration Zen going. I know what I need! I need the glow!

Am I the wackiest?

Am I the silliest?

Am I the baldest, mo-fo, low-down, Sword and Sorcery writer around this blog?

Also while I’m getting to the climax of the story, I no longer think it’ll come in under 10,000, maybe, but I doubt it, more like 12K or 13K most likely. Once I’m done I may be able to edit down to 10K, if not I’ll have a more limited market to submit too but that may not be the worse thing. One of the more promising looking ones, a magazine that is specifically geared toward Sword & Sorcery stuff, accepts submission of up to 20K. In any case just writing to completion is my main goal.

I received and watched the Ultimate Avengers movie today and I liked it. While I hated the Ultimates comic book, the movie cut out a lot of the overly grim and sophomoric crap that passed for “mature” in the comic, leaving a group of characters that with the exception of Hank Pym, who sadly was still a jerk, we’re a lot more likable and accessible heroes than their counterparts in the Ultimates comic. In other words more like the Avengers. It wasn’t perfect mind you, for one it was kinda short for a DVD movie. They could have used more time to tell the story, and the animation was not up to standards for a cartoon movie, it might been fine for a weekly show but I kinda expect better from a “movie” release. I also didn’t care at all for Caps voice, too wimpy sounding. That all in all they did a pretty good job and I’ll happily buy the next installment.
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