
Apr 06, 2010 21:36

Whenever I take some time to think about what I want to do after I finish law school I try to list the things that I really care about. There are always specific positions such as ending the death penalty or promoting marriage equality, but I keep finding the word "civilization" cropping up on these lists, and I often find my reasoning for certain positions (law-related and not) passing through that concept at some point: transparent government policies are more civilized; abolish the death penalty because it is uncivilized; etc.

It crops up often enough that I worry I am using it as a shorthand for "Because I like it." There is always a certain amount of this in value statements, but I hope that I mean something more than that. But what?

To me civilization means values and institutions geared for long-term success for as many people as possible. This means being smart. It means systematically trying to encourage the best in people. It means an emphasis on compassion and reason, habits of thinking (and rethinking) about how systems and individuals work, and constant practice at taming our base instincts such as revenge, greed, and laziness when they interfere with our long-term goals.

Without compassion a society fails to maximize benefits for those with less power. This harms them directly but it is also bad for society: too unstable. Too unpleasant. Too inefficient.

Without reason a society has a hard time understanding the world and planning for the future. The world is a volatile place and we need to keep on our toes if we're going to survive.

Without control of our base instincts society becomes unable to follow the dictates of reason and compassion. I'm currently re-reading Njal's Saga and I'm struck by how many characters can see clearly that there will be terrible consequences for their choices yet they make them anyway, feeling bound by unchecked ambition or a desire for revenge. They can see, but when overcome by their passions they can not translate their vision into wise choices.

This is another post written primarily for me to clarify or organize my own thoughts rather than to make any real point or convince anyone of anything. I think I've at least started to get my head in order here.

philosophy, rant, law, life
